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新到!Little Butterfly多效舒護嬰兒面霜 50ml 溫和且高效的豐潤乳霜配方,為嬌嫩肌膚提供持久保護屏障,高效隔離有害的污染源,同時賦予肌膚無與倫比的滋潤和呵護。   

新到!Little Butterfly多效舒護嬰兒面霜 50ml 溫和且高效的豐潤乳霜配方,為嬌嫩肌膚提供持久保護屏障,高效隔離有害的污染源,同時賦予肌膚無與倫比的滋潤和呵護。 功效:...

- 有效增強防禦能力,保護肌膚免受有害環境與污染物的傷害
- 溫和去除外界雜質,同時加強新生肌膚的表面屏障功能
- 具備高效消炎特性,可緩解乾燥、痕癢與脫皮等皮膚問題
- 有效抵禦刺激侵擾,有助鎮靜並舒緩敏感膚質
- 乳霜質地細膩,滋潤保濕,呵護肌膚 JUST ARRIVED!
Little Butterfly Calming Anti-pollution Baby Face Cream Providing an ultra-protective shield between young innocent skin and harmful pollutants, this organic-certified baby face cream not only supports and defends the little ones’ fragile dermal barrier but, with its divine creamy texture, delivers the ultimate nurturing and pampering effects too. The innovative formula is infused with a unique blend of precious botanicals and patented bio-actives, combining moringa tree that gently lifts micro-particles to maintain the skin’s purity and softness, and Candeia tree extract that further protects from daily environmental harm. #Babycare #littlebutterflylondon #BEYORG #TurnOrganic #OrganicSkincare 展开